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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Title (confirmed) - "Teacher's pet" (First draft: to be edited later as we create more detail)
Our short film takes place in College, during class. A teacher is working on the whiteboard when we realize that he/she has used a permanent marker. They realize this and since they can't rub it off, they turn to the students and ask for one of them to retrieve the removal spray. But as one person jumps to the occasion, another follows and so it becomes a race to see you can retrieve the spray first and return it to the teacher. We plan to use a lot of fast paced shots and obstacles faced by them including (if we can get permission) a funny elevator scene. When one of the students retrieve the spray, they think it's all other but as they get back to class they find out that the teacher has found another spray to use. The final shot finishes with both of them looking at each other like it was all a waste.

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