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Sunday, 7 December 2014

DepicT Evaluation

What was the task?
The task was to create a short film for the competition 'DepicT!' It had to be no more than 90 seconds long even with titles or credits however that was our only limitation other than that our short film could be about anything we could think of.

Discuss camerawork (specifically)
Overall our camerawork was not that bad. But it could be better but for what we got in 90 seconds the results were satisfactory. There are a total of 39 shots from the original 47 that we planned out. The missing videos were filmed but there wasn't enough time to fit them in and a few were unecessary 

Discuss mise-en-scene

The overall look of our film was the cinematic style that we were going after with a dull tone in terms of the colours. We did however looking back at the shots discovered that some of our clips were overexposed and some were underexposed which in some cases did affect our tone for our film.
I liked a couple of shots in the film, the first at around 0:29 through to 0:35 with the tracking and crabbing shots. I wanted to get a sense of movement with this type of shot and I think it worked effectively in doing so.
The second shot at 1:02-1:04 with a tracking shot towards the subjects as they run past the camera. This was shot by hand so the footage was shaky but it added action to the clip.

All of our clips transitioned with a jump cut as there was no need for any fades or other ambitious transitions and the pace of the film was generally quick so jump cuts were a god option. Other than that we edited the sound (see sound below) also the colour which has been slightly adjusted to look more film like and lastly the slow motion between 1:09-1:14 which we did by slowing the clip by 50% from the original.

Most of our continuity errors were object placements and peoples positions in shot and most of them occurred in the class room here are just some of the continuity errors...
- Theodora is in a different position in the next shot of her between shots (5-7 seconds)

- The cleaning spray Theodora picks up on the way is shown in shot (14 seconds into the clip)

Discuss sound
In terms of sound most of the clips in our short film use their existing sound with just a few that had to be altered because of speech from the cameraman (me) or the sound of the camera equipment such as the dolly.
The music tracks we selected suites the theme very well, the main track - Volitile reaction - was used throughout the chase scene with - The Elevator Bossa Nova - used for the lift scene. 

Overall, were you happy?
The finished result was never something I had expected in my mind that it would be and this is good because throughout this experience of filming this short film it has taught be a lot of what to do next time and what I would have changed. For me as the cameraman I would have changed how I shot the film making sure that my clips were perfectly exposed and that what's in scene is there in the next shot as shown in the continuity errors.

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