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Friday 11 September 2015

Early Optical Toys





What is it?
It is a disk with a image on both sides attached to a piece of string that when wound up and released; gives the illusion of one image combined.

Does it work?
In my example I had drawn an apple and on the other side a branch. When I had spun it, the two became one giving the illusion that the apple was attached to the branch.

Could it be improved?
Yes, in my example the branch is misaligned with the apple, it wasn't easy lining the two images because when working on one side of the card you can't see where the other image is on the other side.




What is it?
It is a turnable cylinder with an image strip inside with a sequence of frames that varies in number depending on how big the cylinder is. The slits in the cylinder are there for you to look through from the side, but really they are there to stop the images from blurring together allowing you to clearly see each frame of the animation.

Does it work?
In my example, I had had created a bouncing ball sequence where the ball falls from the air, bounces on the floor and back in the air again. It was important the sequence started and finished roughly in the same place so it can be repeated over and over again without jumping frames. However in the video above, it's hard to make out. This is explained in more detail below.

Could it be improved?
Yes, it is almost impossible to see anything because everything looks faded and hard to make out. When previewing this back on my phone it looked much clearer, I blame YouTube's compression as part of it. Aside from that it really wasn't detailed enough and I could have added colour but due to time constraints I had to quickly create this. 




What is it?
Relatable to the Zoetrope where the image sequence is placed in a cylinder. In fact it is the successor to the Zoetrope and works in a similar way. Instead of slits that the Zoetrope has, the Praxinoscope has mirrors in the centre each dedicated to one frame. The benefit of this over the Zoetrope is that the slits are gone which means a brighter and less distorted image.

Does it work?
In my example, my sequence was of a running man. I would say this looked the most successful out of all the others because I believe I got the animation pretty much spot on with the slight abnormality which you can read below.

Could it be improved?
Somewhere in there is a frame which jumps rather suddenly to the next one, you have to watch the video yourself to see what I mean. If there was any other thing then I would say it could have had colour but with a stick man it really is impossible so perhaps I could have made him "non-stick" like but with my artistic skills and time constraints, it was never really possible.

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