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Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Introduction to The News

UPDATED: 10/07/2015
Behind TV News

The reporter (on location)

Sometimes reporters can be people which have a specific specialist area such as health. These are known as a correspondent. A reporter is usually someone without such expertise who is allocated stories by the news desk on any story in the news.

The presenter(s) (the studio)

Who introduces or hosts the news based in the studio. They are also known as anchorman or anchorwoman, news anchor or simply an anchor. They can have multiple roles such as working as a journalist, assisting in the collection of news material and may provide commentary during the programme. 

Director (studio > control centre)

Directs the filming and production of the show. One of their duties includes responsibility in supervising the placement of cameras, lighting equipment and microphones. It is a very similar role as a film director who gives cues to people when to start.

Producer (creative construction decisions)

Oversees all aspects of video production. On a news program or any TV program there is generally more than 1 producer. A producer is very much like a writer and is generally the same person. As an example; executive producers are in charge of everything related to the production of the show. In a news program, it seems likely that there is an Assistant producer as they source contributors and stories for the program. There are many more...

Camera operator (on-location or in studio)

A professional operator of a camera. More specifically, operating the camera and maintaining composition and camera angles. They are also known as television camera operator, video camera operator or videographer. Depending on what sort of camera they operate they may also have knowledge and ability of selecting appropriate camera lenses and other equipment.

Editors (post-production)
Works with the director to edit captured footage from the camera into a finished product. The director is mainly in charge of editing choices however the editor has a large contribution in suggesting ideas to the director to be included in the finalised product. There are many types of editors, one of which is listed below...

Craft Editor (post-production)
Responsible for effects such as blurring peoples faces, highlighting particular people...

Prospects List
A list of potential stories that may or may not be broadcast on the news. Before the news starts, news can change throughout the day and so more stories come and go. They need to decide from this list what news stories to broadcast on the news. They base this on how popular they may be among people and to get the most views.

1 comment:

  1. Robert,

    This needs to be complete by the end of Monday so I can mark it and give you feedback.

