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Wednesday, 1 July 2015

3MW Proposal

1. Mind-map ideas (concept, themes, content etc) for a new 3 Minute Wonder. You may produce a mind-map using any method you see fit, such as a Prezi, blog, PowerPoint, sugar paper etc. Be sure to upload / embed the finished mind-map.
2. Select you favorite / most viable idea and argue why it would be the most suitable one to produce.
  • Write a brief outline for the production (a concept overview)
My production will be about Lowestoft and the proposal of regenerating / renovating the town. In its current state, Lowestoft could do with an upgrade not just to the visual appearance but also to its many abandoned buildings that could be knocked down or renovated for them to become new places of attraction to locals and tourists. Then there is the matter of the third crossing begin proposed by the council that David Cameron promised us by 2020 as the queues of cars waiting to cross the river with the bridge up is a frustration to many.
  • Identify the genre and format of the concept, i.e., how will it be presented? (Format; expository, interactive, observational, performative, reflexive. Genre; docudrama, docusoap, infotainment, ‘reality’ TV, educational, wildlife, special interest, makeover).
Reflexive / Performative documentary
  • Who would be your target audience? (remember primary and secondary divide and also to use terms such as demographics etc.)
My primary audience will be young adults and above. My secondary audience will be teenagers. There isn't anyone demographically suited for watching this documentary so this is really for anyone.
  • What would the aim of the documentary be? What do you hope to achieve by producing a documentary centered on your chosen idea?
I want primarily young adults or above to view this because I want them to listen because its them who can change our town; the leaders such as the council and even to the prime minister. I have chosen teenagers as a secondary audience because I want to empower them, encourage them to help me and as a community we can bring this forward to the adults or more specifically the leaders of this country who can do something about it.
  • Where will you need to film? Will you need to travel to a location / various locations?
Lowestoft. More specifically; Carlton Marshes, Oulton Broad, Seafront and more. I will need to travel in between locations which I can do so on my bike.
  • Who will you need to be part of the production? Will you need other crew? Will you need experts / witnesses?
Callum Howard (a friend of mine at this college) - He will be someone I will interview and will also help with filming the documentary.
At late notice I found an expert - Louise Gooch who I can interview who will tell me everything I need to know about the Waveny District Council who have made plans for the future of the town.
  • Write some sample interview questions (only applicable if you intend to have interviews - this includes talking heads where the interviewer is not present on screen).
- What do you think about Lowestoft?
- Tell me what you do in Lowestoft in your spare time?
- What would you like to see improved in Lowestoft?
  • What equipment, props and costumes will you need to produce your idea? Do you already have what is needed? What will you need to buy in?
I have everything; Camera, Lens, Microphone and a Tripod (which i'm borrowing off a friend). To improve audio however I will be borrowing a separate audio recorder rather than just recording it on the camera itself which will boost audio quality.
  • What is your proposed budget for this production?
I don't have one

3. Informally pitch your idea to Ellie.
Done! :) 

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