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Tuesday 27 October 2015

Research and Planning: E4 and the Brief

- Who owns E4
How long have E4 existed?
- What programmes are shown regularly on E4
- Who is the primary TA for E4 (build a visual picture here and use correct media terminology)
- Who is the secondary TA for E4 (build a visual picture here and use correct media terminology)
- Which other channels are owned by this broadcaster and who are they aimed at (briefly).

E4 is owned by Channel Four Television since its creation on 18 January 2001.  
Programmes shown regularly on E4 include; Hollyoaks, Gogglebox and Rude Tube. The primary audience according to wikipedia 
(link here: is 15-35 age range (teenagers - young adults). Its secondary audience isn't very clear however I suspect some programmes are suitable for under 15s and over 35s. Demographically it is suited towards both genders. Psychographically it is suited towards all social classes. Other channels owned by this broadcaster are... 
- What is an E Sting and what is its purpose? 
- Analyse three genuine E Stings for: genre; audience and content
- Say what you liked about each of your chosen E Stings.

E Stings is a competition managed by Channel 4 Television. The competition requires applicants to submit a no longer than 10 second channel ident for E4. The winner will receive £5000. The purpose of the competition is to give people a chance for their ident to be shown on their channel during commercial breaks. Here are 3 entries for the competition...

Entry 1: Space Chimp by Shane Mellor
This video is very cartoon like and has been computer animated. It features a chimp picking up a can from a table, opening it and drinking it before closing his visor to his space suit. The E4 logo then appears on his visor and alternates between colours. The video has been shot as if from a home film camera with rec shown in the top left hand corner and other information around the frame.


In terms of audience, this ident would be best suited for under 15s in my opinion due to the bright colours giving the whole advert a less mature look. The feature of a chimp or any sort of monkey really emphasizes a childlike theme because monkey's are seen as silly creatures to some.

I liked this ident because of it's cartoon theme, I think it really suits the E4 logo because the logo is made up of 2 solid colours; white and purple. And the advert with the cartoon theme is made up of similar colours and really blends in well.  

Entry 2: Put a sock in it by Michael Sloan

I like the use of puppet animation in this ident because not many idents that have been entered into e-stings that are puppet animated and this makes their ident unique. 
In the ident the puppets are changing TV channels until they find E4. When they find E4 which appears as just their logo, the puppets cheer.


In terms of audience children much younger than 9 might enjoy it because It looks very silly and childish. The fact that they're sock puppets adults right remember making them in primary school or nursery. 

Entry 3: Meteor by James Furr

I like this ident because it easily grabs out attention when we can't hear music or motion for the first few seconds but once the meteor comes in and the E4 logo is displayed I like how the logo has been recreated out of Plasticine.

In the ident, the scene is set on a model hill with static people either side. Nothing happens until the meteor comes in. It fades to white and then emerges to a close up of the E4 meteor. Then another E4 logo comes in, this time it has been cut and printed on paper that is suspended by a pencil another sign suspended to a pencil shows the channel's website.


In terms of audience, I believe this ident will mostly attract teenagers and above. It isn't particularly silly to be ideal for children but is more of action scene that would really be suitable even for young adults. Out of all of the idents that I have reviewd so far, this one fits in the best of E4s primary target audience.

Embed thaumatrope, praxinoscope and zoetrope videos here (if possible)
- Embed Lego video here and explain what you set out to achieve and how you feel about working with Lego (plus points, limitations, etc.)
- Embed live action SMA video here and add details on the intention/what you were going for underneath (For each of the above points, you should say what the intention of each task was).

Below, I have embeded my Thaumatrope, Praxinoscope and Zoetrope which were made for planning and preparation for this assignment. As it covered one key element; The Persistence of vision. This was the intention of each task.

My Thaumatrope

My Praxinoscope

My Zoetrope

My Lego Animation
I set out to produce a smooth stop-motion animation. Which went pretty well in the end, had I had more time I could have made it a lot smoother by playing it back at 24fps (frames per second). What is shown in my animation is 12fps. Working with Lego and with any other object in general and trying to animate it is a fiddly thing as you have to ever so slightly move something per frame and being camera man and animator meant i kept switching to and from the camera to not only move something my scene but also go to the camera and take the picture. Lego is very easy to model with such as making strong structures such as buildings however there are some negatives to this. First off, it's Lego and it's copyrighted which means if it were to be used in a commercial production it would require permission to use which would usually involve a hefty fee to pay and second of all, character animations are hard to do because you cannot animate facial expressions or have any flexibility in the joints of both the arms and legs of the figure.

Live Action Stop-Motion Animation (with Ruben and Toby)

I didn't have any involvement with the idea because my original group who I was supposed to be with weren't here at the day of making so I joined with Ruben and Toby. My part of the production was to operate the camera capturing each frame of the animation. I was also involved with directing them into position and telling them things such as whether they were in frame or not. Ruben and Toby's idea was to make a stop-motion animation based of the game Mortal Kombat. where two opponents (Toby and Ruben) would fight each other. There was going to be a winner at the end of the stop-motion animation but the fight ends abruptly because we didn't have enough time to film the rest. We managed to get about 1/3 done. Our intention was to make our animation look like the game Mortal Kombat. The visuals looked good but what it was lacking is the infamous sounds that come from the game. We made a mistake in the editing process where we (or rather I) made the animation playback at 24fps which is not the standard frame rate stop-motion animation is played at. We should have set our fps to 12fps which would have been correct. Overall for our first go, I think we did alright!

Write a short paragraph on whether you will produce a claymation ESting, a Lego/puppet/object-based ESting OR a 'live action' one AND say why and how you have come to this decision.

I am going to produce a object-based ESting because out of all the other types of e-sting I could make, an object based one gives me much more of a variety of objects I could use unlike Lego that is not only copyrighted but also limited in types of shape sizes and flexibility in animating arms and facial expressions on figures. 

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