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Saturday 28 November 2015

Practice Writing


The time-lapse video on this page is what stands out to me, the amount of time and effort gone into this and what for? For bragging rights? Fame? A film for this could answer this question. As they build this vehicle many problems could occur such as funding issues; not being able to finish the car or the car just not working all building up tension to the day where they attempt to break the land speed record.

The protagonist could be Richard Noble who is the Project Director. A second could be the driver; Andy Green himself.

Another idea based on my life and what I've experienced
Moving to College

I've found meeting new people a very nervous thing even people who I've known for many years. I am socially awkward around people because I'm constantly thinking about what people think of me and besides that just making a day to day conversation with people is terrifying because one of the first questions I ask is - "Hi, how are you?" and if they ask me the same question back I reply back fine but it's there where I run out of questions. It has left me in awkward silence. Nowadays whenever I'm with someone, it's normally them asking the questions trying to get me to engage when I know I want to back but I can't.

So perhaps this film could be a journey about how I grow my confidence over time. I could meet people who are exactly like me creating pretty awkward conversation that humor the audience. Eventually I find confidence in myself.

Don't know a title yet...

Meet Alan, a 17 year old boy who really doesn't get along with people. Alan goes to sixth form college and has very few friends all of which he doesn't remember how they got together in the first place. Alan is incredibly shy and awkward to talk to. You'll see him hesitate to sit down next to someone and have an open chat. Alan is really lonely and depression sets in, he becomes tired of who he is and questions why he's been made like this. He begins to debate about whether there would be any point of living anymore. At one point he stands on top of a bridge on a busy road he stops and wonders whether he should end his life. He struggles to get his leg over the bridge. Some girl interrupts him and persuades him to come down; he listens. 


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