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Monday 23 November 2015

Screenplay Treatment

Title - False Witness


(Main) Escapee - Wearing Hoodie, Tracksuit trousers, Cheap trainers
- He is wrongly accused of murdering his daughter and is on the escape from prison

Officer 1 and 2 - Uniform armed with gun
- Both officers are armed with guns and dressed in police uniform. One officer is called Mike and the other Dan. Dan has a connection with the escapee's murder that is later revealed.

Act 1 - Setup (Establish characters, their relationships and the world they live in)

Plot Outline

a TV news report appears about an escapee from prison. The anchorman/anchorwoman warns the public watching that he is highly dangerous and request that they stay indoors.
The screen is black, we can hear background noises of conversations through police's walkie-talkie. "All units be advised this is a code 3, a dangerous man is on the run. Request units in the area to respond" then an unknown voice speaks "copy that". Police sirens can be heard.
Sirens can be heard in the distance. Heavy breathing can be heard. We get our first glimpse of the escapee in the woods. Behind him we see torches shining though the trees. He freaks out and starts to run, he drops a picture of his wife on the floor. 

Act 2 - Confrontation

We see the 2 officers who are holding torches as they look through the wood for the escapee. They talk to each other about who the escapee is and what he's done to end up in prison. They break conversation when they see evidence left on the floor by the escapee. They radio their find and then too start to run in the direction of the escapee.
We jump back to the escapee who thinks he's escaped as he can't see the light from the torches anymore so he takes a breather. He pulls out from his wallet a picture of his daughter and gives an emotional impact to the escapee. He freaks out again when he hears shouting in the distance as the officers spot him. He goes behind a tree as somewhere to hide.

Act 3 - Resolution

The police officers arrive and stop at the scene knowing that the escapee is near them. They call him out. They hear a twig snap and put their guns towards the tree where the suspect is hiding. He steps out from his cover. They point a gun at him. He lifts his hands up. He tries to prove his innocence. Both officers start to question Owen. Dan however gets impatient, walking over to Mike he trips over and out comes a lot of papers from his Jacket. Mike is surprised and takes a look at them. He realises that what he's just read is something that Dan doesn't want him reading and it turns out to be evidence that Dan was the true killer. The gun than Dan is holding gets pointed at Mike. He explained what actually happened. Mike's gun is pointed at Dan. Dan says 'Just let me go'. The escapee boldly exclaims his shock both angrily and sadly. Mike won't let Dan go and threatens to kill him if he won't co-operate. He still refuses. A gun shot is heard, it hits Dan in the arm which makes him drop the gun. Officers surround him and arrest him. 
As the others swarm in to arrest Dan, in the background we hear a news report discussing the escapee's innocence.   

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